Tuesday 11 October 2011

Dancers are runners in disguise

This morning I was walking along Brunswick Street here in Melbourne, quite deeply contemplating Hiatus and the photo shoot we are planning for this Sunday. How in images might the work be indicated or suggested without limiting the potential for it to significantly evolve in the coming months? Contemplating this question my gaze was repeatedly being drawn to an approaching runner. Even at a distance he seemed interesting, familiar even. Sure enough, as he passed I recognised him to be a fellow dancer. Not too surprised, in fact quite comforted, I waved him on his way. I say I was comforted as seeing this dancer running seemed to further confirm my sense that; many dancers run, enjoy it, are good at it and even consider it a vital part of their practice.
It's all about the labels really. What we call ourselves and our actions. I mean, these dancers running may very well be runners dancing or dancers dancing as they stride left foot then right, rhythmically inhaling and exhaling and enjoying the exhilaration of getting the blood pumping.

Question: Do you consider yourself a runner? A dancer? A bit of both or something else all together?

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